Category Archives: Uncategorized
Sometimes You Just Have to Laugh at Yourself
One of my teammates passed this along to me and then I got several other forwards of it from various parts of the country. Proof that the web is viral, especially for something this funny. Hope you enjoy this video… … Continue reading
We’re Having a Party for MS Research!
At long last, we’re having a party at the office, and it’s for a great cause. This fall I’m going to be riding my bicycle in a fundraising event for Multiple Sclerosis (MS 150). We need your support! Attend the … Continue reading
5 Ways to Avoid Being Struck by Lightning
More than a couple of times as a kid, I was stubborn to come in for shelter during a lightning storm. I just came across some useful tips for those of us who ride in lightning prone areas. Here are … Continue reading
How do TDF Riders Keep 5000-6000 Calories per Day Clean, Nutritious, and Tasty?
The amount of calories that Tour de France riders have to eat is fairly staggering. Somewhere in the ballpark of 5000 to 6000 calories per day… and they still lose weight due to the stressful three-week effort. There are lots … Continue reading
Refining Your Techniques for Road Rash Treatment
Recently I came across a good article that reviewed updated self-treatment guidelines for road rash. Most of us are eager to get our wounds to the point of scabbing over because we associate that with good healing, but, for a … Continue reading
We Are Sponsors for Bike the Deschutes for 2nd Year
Last year, my family rode the 20 mile loop in Bike Your Watershed, a local event geared towards getting people to interact with our beautiful local watershed, the Deschutes River. This year, the free event will be held on Sunday, … Continue reading
Big Week for Adventure Bound Patients
During the past few weeks, I’ve had the pleasure of working with several patients who are having the adventures of their lives. While they have done all the hard work of training and preparation, I’ve been nearby when they’ve taken … Continue reading
An Anniversary for Rosser Chiropractic
July 1st got away from me yesterday, and I didn’t quite give it all the respect it deserved! We moved into our current location on July 1, 2004 which means we’re starting into our 6th year in this location and … Continue reading
Is Cycling Bad to the Bone… Literally?
I have frequently heard that by the end of the Tour de France, riders end up losing a significant amount of their bone density due to the amount of time on the bikes, the effort, and the stress of the … Continue reading
Reflections on the Mental Side of Cycling and Self-Development on the Bike
Most people that I talk to about cycling, especially those who have been in the sport for a while, smile knowingly when I ask about the pain… There are reasons why cyclists constantly talk about suffering, the pain, the fight, … Continue reading